Code of Ethics and Club Constitution
Members of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club of NSW Inc acknowledge that the welfare of the breed in general and of their own Cavaliers should be maintained at all times.
Members of the Club in the interest of the Cavalier endorse the following:
That all members of the club abide by the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club of NSW Rules and the Constitution.
That all members shall make themselves aware of and abide by all Dogs NSW Regulations and in particular, Part 13 - Code of Ethics and Part 14 - Guidelines For The Care And Management Of Keeping And Breeding Dogs.
That all members shall make themselves aware of and abide by Government Regulations as appropriate, e.g. Animal Welfare Code of Practice publication– Breeding Dogs and Cats.
That all breeders should try to improve their knowledge of the breed by studying the Standard and breed publications. That all breeders should be alert to and work to correct inherited problems.
Breeders should make themselves aware of and take part in any readily available and cost effective health testing.
That breeders should maintain good health and condition in their own dogs ensuring that all dogs are kept in a clean environment and groomed regularly with a regular parasite eradication program in force.
That breeders should not use unregistered Cavaliers for breeding nor allow their stud dog (if any) to be used with an unregistered or cross bred bitch.
That breeders do not sell or donate any Cavalier to be auctioned or raffled, or sell a Cavalier to any dealer, agent or pet shop within Australia or Overseas, or to any person for export to any dealer/agent or pet shop of any Overseas Country.
That puppies should not be sold until completely weaned and independent of their dam, not before 8 weeks of age, and that they should be adequately vaccinated, microchipped and wormed before sale, and each puppy should be accompanied by complete feeding instructions and a guide to general care.